Tag:   Issue > hate speech - (24)

Showing 24 Results



Prešov, Slovakia

AI-powered community management solution with human-level accuracy

Contrer la désinformation avec l’IA - Studio Hirondelle RDC

An AI project uses natural language processing to identify and neutralize hate speech on community radios in eastern DRC, enhancing social cohesion and stability in conflict-affected areas by providing reliable information through adapted radio content.



Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

Im Zentrum steht dabei folgende Frage: Können “Plattformräte” oder andere Institutionen dafür sorgen, dass öffentliche Interessen und demokratische Werte in den Regelsetzungsprozessen von Plattformen berücksichtigt werden?

 Digital Community Stewards Online Course

A training program for digital community stewards (online group moderators and admins) focused on building social cohesion in online communities, and creating inclusive, engaging, and safe digital experiences within their online groups.

Get the Trolls Out

A campaign that harnesses the power of social media to disseminate innovative media outputs and generate dialogue in order to deliver a powerful counter-narrative against diverse forms of hate speech, including antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate, anti-Christian sentiment.

Hashtag Generation

Hashtag Generation

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hashtag Generation is a non profit organization and movement led and run by a group of young tech-savvy, socially conscious Sri Lankans advocating for the meaningful civic and political participation of youth, especially young women and young people from minority groups


Meet BridgeBot, a new chatbot which helps social media users bridge differences and build trust and understanding online.

The Project AISLE

The Project AISLE

Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Project AISLE is a hate speech monitoring tool in Tamil and Sinhala developed using Artificial Intelligence.

 Caught in the Web (CitW)

Caught in the Web (CitW)

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Caught in the Web (CitW) is a 26 month initiative supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office United Kingdom where Search for Common Ground, Hashtag Generation, and Centre for Equality and Justice work as a consortium to advance effective responses to gendered online hate speech and cyber sexual and gender based violence in Sri Lanka.

Foundation The London Story

Diaspora monitoring disinformation and hate speech in India and advocating for human rights.




Hate speech on the internet has regrettably become an increasingly pressing social issue. The NETTZ network aims to confront the current trend by supporting moral courage on digital media as well as cultivating a positive debate and opinion culture on the web.

Empathy Helps Counter Hate Speech

Empathy Helps Counter Hate Speech

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

A team of researchers led by Dominik Hangartner, IPL co-director and professor of public policy at ETH Zurich, has joined forces with colleagues at the University of Zurich to investigate what kind of messages could lead authors of hate speech to refrain from such postings in the future



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Hate speech tool for monitoring, analysing and tackling Anti-Muslim hatred online

Center for Technology and Society (Anti-Defamation League)

How do we ensure justice and fair treatment for all in a digital environment? How do we counter online hate, protect free speech, and use social media to reduce bias in society? The Center for Technology and Society takes ADL’s civil rights mission and applies it to the 21st century.



India (Bhārat)

Uli lets you take control over your Twitter timeline by redacting slurs, allowing you to archive problematic tweets and coordinating actions with your friends.




HateAid setzt sich dafür ein, dass digitale Gewalt keine Chance hat und alle Menschen sich frei und ohne Ängste im Netz bewegen können. Als Betroffene*r von Online-Hass kannst du dich kostenlos an unsere Beratung wenden.

Harassment Manager

Harassment Manager is a web application that aims to empower users to document and take action on abuse targeted at them on online platforms.




PUSAD is a center for research on religion and democracy, they conduct research on hate speech and political disinformation.

Tactical Tech’s Gendersec Training Curricula on “Hacking Hate Speech”

A training workshop curriculum on how to set up an online support network, create textual and visual counterspeech content, and deploy a counterspeech campaign.


TrollBusters is an at-the-ready network of supporters to respond to women journalists’ reports of online harassment by providing positive counterspeech.


ADL H.E.A.T. Map is the first-of-its-kind interactive and customizable map detailing hate, extremist and antisemitic incidents by state and nationwide.

Center for Countering Digital Hate

The Center for Countering Digital Hate's primary goal is to disrupt alliances between hate actors and political parties actors in digital spaces.

Dangerous Speech Project

The Dangerous Speech Project was founded in 2010 to study speech (any form of human expression) that inspires violence between groups of people – and to find ways to mitigate this while protecting freedom of expression.

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